Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What? No goodbye?

 "And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight." - Acts 1:9 esv

Has it ever occurred to you that Jesus didn't give his followers a proper  "goodbye". 

He could have given them a hug or a hand shake, but he didn't. He could have signed autographs or had a farewell dinner. He did none of those things. 

Instead, he stood on a hill and gave instructions to his followers, just like he had many times before. Then, without so much as a goodbye, he rose into the clouds and disappeared from their sight.. 

Here the disciples stood on the front porch of the world, if you will, watching as the one they loved disappeared into the heavens...

And he didn't even say "goodbye".

Imagine how you'd feel if your company left that way. We like to get a goodbye before someone leaves. It puts a period on the end of the visit. Why didn't Jesus give us one?

I've got a theory...

I tell my wife and kids goodbye when I leave for work, and I tell them goodbye when I leave to go into town.  I have to pass around the hugs and kisses (sometimes twice) before I can leave, but, I don't tell them goodbye when I walk into the yard or go into another room in the house. Why? Because I'm not going that far. I'm still home even if they can't see me.

Perhaps you recall a verse from Isaiah 66:1 in which God says, "Thus says the LORD: "Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool..."

 You see, what we see as the greatest journey in history looks much different from Jesus' perspective.  We see an almost incomprehensible transition from the earthly temporal to the heavenly eternal. Jesus on the other hand, sees a mere move from the ottoman to the chair.

The reason he didn't say goodbye is because he didn't go that far. In fact, moments before he vanished in to heavens, he promised his disciples, "...I am with you always...".

Friend, heaven is just around the corner and Jesus is still so close he can hear your whisper. He is waiting to hear from you. 

He never said, "Goodbye."

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