Showing posts with label theology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label theology. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Do all religions lead to God?

Have you ever heard someone say, "All religions lead to God!" and then go on to explain how religions are like the "spokes of a wheel" all leading to God at the center?

Yeah, I've heard that too. The idea looks something like this:

When I hear that statement I know that they and I are a long way from any point of common understanding. While that statement sounds very enlightened, it is, in my opinion, rooted in deep theological error.

For one thing, I the image/idea of "God" varies greatly from one religion to another. It is true that there may be overlapping teachings or practices between any two religions, but there isn't a universal teaching about the nature (or even number) of God/gods. That is a very big problem. If God is there, and all revelations of him (religion) are equal in relevance, God is a very confusing character indeed.

Second, there is no universal direction on how humanity is supposed to get to God. For instance, some religions teach charity in the name of God. Others teach that the murder of "infidels" is the means to his approval. 

There is only one common denominator in all of the world's religions, and that common denominator isn't God. That common denominator is a human race that has both a consciousness of sin and the notion that there is a higher power to whom they must someday answer for that sin. So, if we are going to use a "wagon wheel" diagram to explain the existence of the world's religions, we cannot put God in the center with men trying to get to him. Instead, we must put the common denominator in the center. Fallen, sinful, guilty humanity is in the center working desperately, searching in all directions, to find relief from the guilt of their sinful condition. Even the religion of atheism (though they usually won't admit it) can be drawn as a spoke on this wheel.  

Now admittedly I am biased about the right "religion", but my bias is based on years of study, observation and experience. My observation is this: The Gospel of Jesus Christ differs from the religions of the world in one very big way. Religion requires us to reach for God, working our way to him. Jesus, on the other hand, was God reaching for us. Let's add that detail to our sketch.

Here are some pertinent truths I find in the Bible:

1. God is holy and he has high expectations of his creation (you and me) which he spelled out in great detail. He even gave us a "top ten" list, so to speak, in Exodus 20. 
2. We have all fallen short of those expectations and are guilty of sin.
3. Sin is punishable by death. (Not just the "assume room temperature" kind of death, but also eternal conscious separation from God in eternal punishment.) 
4. While God is just in his judgment against sin, he also loves you and me very much and has, at great personal expense, made a way for us to escape both our sin and eternal damnation through Jesus Christ. 
5. This escape is given freely to anyone who will believes on Jesus as Savior and Lord. Not only does Jesus free us from our sin, he also restores us to a relationship with God. This relationship is so close that we are told to address God as "Our Father" (how cool is that).

The simple truth is this: there is nothing you or I can do to absolve ourselves of our sin. Struggle all you want. Try any religion(s) you want. You will not be able to separate yourself from your sins.  There is only one way out, and that way is straight up. Jesus is God reaching down for you.  If you haven't already, why not take his hand and let him free you from your sin?

So, you may ask, is that it? Is this all there is to Christianity? Well, no, but this is the main part. Without this, nothing else matters. "Christianity" is built on this one central truth. Once you believe on Jesus Christ as your Savior, the rest is about growing in your new relationship with God.

If you don't know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, but you want to, please, follow the link below. Jesus loves you very much and he wants to save you from your sins. May you find the peace you seek.

HERE is a link for more information about following Jesus.