Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Counting Fish

Maybe it is an insight into men.
Maybe it is an insight in people.
Maybe it’s just a little insight into Simon Peter.

Take a look at John 21 where Peter & Co. go on their famous all-nighter fishing trip.  We read in verse 11 that Peter “dragged the net to land, full of large fish, one hundred and fifty-three” [nkjv]. 

Whoa!  I’m not amazed at the catch, I am amazed at the disciples.  Here stands the resurrected Lord on the shore. He has directed them to a miraculous catch. He has prepared for them a miraculous meal, and yet they stop to count the fish! Now 153 large fish in a single cast is quite a fish story but does it compare to standing in the presence of the resurrected Lord?

My amazement at Peter is tempered however, by my conscience.  Have I ever turned away from the  presence of my Savior to gaze in wonder at his blessings?

I supposed we all have things we love.
Maybe it is a dream home.
Maybe it is a dream job.

Peter loved the smell of the sea, the sound of the waves and the feel of the deck beneath his feet. He loved to see the dawn arrive above the watery horizon.

Maybe this gives us a little insight into Jesus’ question to Peter, “do you love me more than these?” He had appeared on the shore and directed the catch. He had fixed breakfast (if you’ve ever fixed fish at dawn on a creek bank you know the smell is heavenly)  and yet Peter stops, turns around and counts the fish.

How easy it is for us to gaze in wonder at our blessings and neglect the Savior who gave them to us in the first place!

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