Saturday, May 3, 2014

WARNING: The Neanderthals are getting smarter.

Several articles I have read recently seem to indicate that the "Neanderthals" were not a bunch of grunting pre-humans after all. Scientist now seem to think that they interbred with "modern" humans and had just as much mental capacity. Their diets were diverse. They made tools. They kept organized caves, and were in every respect equal to their "modern" counterparts.

 "The evidence for cognitive inferiority is simply not there."-Dr. Paola Villa of the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History

So why are they still considered to be a separate species? Bone structure? 

I am neither biologist nor anthropologist but it seems to me the differences keep diminishing with each discovery. Even among "modern" humans there are a variety of body types and bone structures. These are not indicative of different species, but variations within the human race.

So, it seems to me, that it is time for the scientific community to realize that the Neanderthals are just as human as any one else. 

The case for the evolution of the human race continues to crumble. 

To read the articles this blog references, click hereand here and here.

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