Showing posts with label think. Show all posts
Showing posts with label think. Show all posts

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Thinking Clearly...

Odd, to me it seems, that my clearest thoughts and reasoning occur in that fragile real estate between consciousness and unconsciousness. The conscious mind is often cluttered by the weeds of distraction and the thoughts of sleep devolve into silliness.

Yet, somewhere between the two, is that thin beach where the distractions of the day play out and the silliness of dreams has not entered. It is there that the deep churnings of the mind and spirit bring good things to the shore and lay them at the edge of my consciousness.

I have found that I must scoop them up immediately. If I do not rouse and commit them to paper, they will be lost to the light of the morning. It is best that I close my eyes thinking of the things of God, and that I keep pen and pad near me as I sleep.

So, I sometimes spend a few minutes before I finally drift off, running from the beach to weeds trying to preserve the things that I find washing around in tidal pools of my mind. Then, with reluctance, I wade into the sea of sleep.

I just wish my rapid mid-night scrawl was a bit more legible.

"I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety." Psalm 4:8 nkjv